October 25-28, 2024
Hyatt Regency Tamaya | Santa Ana Pueblo, NM

Approved for 13 CPE's



Approved for 6 CEC's

Keynote Session

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The Art of Ronin Leadership

Ballroom Saturday, October 26, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Presenter: Mike Howard

Are You a Selfless Leader … or a Selfish One? Leadership … is the word overused? Misused? Or is it misunderstood? Most books on leadership claim they have a secret … on what leadership is and how to be a great leader; how to be an influencer; a workplace-changing leader. Rarely do they—most merely echo talking the walk they’ve heard from others. Author Mike Howard talks about his walk … the Ronin walk with what his 16 years with Microsoft as its Chief Security Officer, 22 years with the CIA, and serving as a young police officer in the Oakland Police Department generated. One that revealed the path and art of leadership for tomorrow’s leaders. The Art of Ronin Leadership is about tomorrow’s new strategy of leadership that should be today’s; the execution of it with teams; and the momentum of what sustained success generates. The Art of Ronin Leadership is about the path you take to become a leader—an entirely different way of thinking than merely fixing what is not working or doing better at what has always been done. Mike Howard is a Ronin leader, morphing the way Microsoft managed its global risk. As a speaker and consultant, he works with organizations globally.


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Leveraging AI in the Physical Security Industry

Ballroom Saturday, October 26, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Moderator: John Nemerofsky, Sage Integration
Panelists: Scott Bain, SaferCities
  Josh Cummings, Paladin Technologies
  Bill Inzeo, Salesforce, Inc.
  Brian St.Onge, Dell Technologies

The physical security industry is poised for a significant transformation as we stand on the brink of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The convergence of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, advanced surveillance systems, and intelligent automation offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance threat detection, streamline security operations, and mitigate risks in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. This session will delve into the intersection of AI and physical security, exploring real-world applications, challenges, and future trends.


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Who are the New Industry Disruptors?

Ballroom Sunday, October 27, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Moderator: Drew Deatherage, Crux Solutions
Panelists: Maria Gonzalez, Amazon Corporate Security
  Bhavesh Patel, Sanofi
  Remengton Pierce, Sandia National Laboratories

Are we, as an industry, becoming parochial and stagnant? Certain classes of security systems may be dead in 5-10 years as they migrate to standard network applications, except in specialized applications.
Where will radical change emanate from? Tech companies, large and small, and technology itself are impacting end-user and client thinking. Young entrepreneurs are bringing new ideas to the market to address problems in a more holistic and integrated way.
Hear this interesting discussion and decide if consultants (and manufacturers) will be the tip of the spear … or the recipient?

Specifications & Projects

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Securing the Future: Leveraging Government Grants for Enhanced Security Practice

Badger Sunday, October 27, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Presenter: Elisa Mula, Founder, EMD

In recent years, the growing concern around the security of public and community spaces, such as schools, houses of worship, and facilities managed under a public safety umbrella, has prompted an unprecedented focus on enhancing safety measures. Recognizing the critical need to protect these vulnerable areas, state and federal government agencies are increasingly earmarking funding to allocate more grants specifically designed to bolster overall security practices. This evolving landscape presents a unique opportunity for security consultants to serve as invaluable resources to their clients, guiding them through the process of leveraging these grants to achieve a higher standard of security. By effectively leveraging these grants, consultants can assist in elevating the standard of security practices, ensuring safer environments for communities nationwide.

Interesting Design Challenges

Badger Sunday, October 27, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Moderator: Robert Summers, Summers Associates
Panelists: Mark Peterson, M.C. Peterson Associates
  Breanna Sieferman, TEECOM
  J. Kelly Stewart, Newcastle Consulting

While every security project stands on its own in some respect, there can also be significant commonality among design elements, approaches, and products specified. But every security consultant has encountered situations that are far from cookie-cutter and demand creativity, unconventional design approaches, and sheer out of the box thinking. Occasionally, a manufacturer may be requested toad a product or modify a product feature. This session will feature 3 such circumstances, presented by consultants who will describe how they handled some of their most unique project design challenges.

How Are Design Deliverables Changing?

Badger Sunday, October 27, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Moderator: Forrest Gist, Jacobs
Panelists: Jeff McCormack, AECOM
  Charles LeBlanc, IMEG
  Rodney Thayer, Smithee Solutions

Time and technology bring change. Product attributes now include elements such as AI, and they are subject in many cases to cybersecurity concerns. Also, design and drawing tools have evolved, including Revit, Bluebeam, and virtual modeling and simulation. What does the client now expect in terms of information received and methods of delivery? Hear from a panel of consultants and integrators about what they’re delivering now, and how.

Specifying AI Features

Badger Sunday, October 27, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Moderator: Chad Parris, Hanwha Vision
Panelists: Jack Meltzer, Gallagher
  Frank Pisciotta, Business Protection Specialists
  Steve Russo, LenelS2
  Chris Wilson, Mead & Hunt

Manufacturers across the security spectrum are incorporating AI features in the products. Some of these, to the chagrin of manufacturers, may not be obvious to the specifiers. This can potentially deny the specification of an important product capability, to the detriment of the client and the manufacturer seeking to get specified. Also, it would be helpful to know impending AI-based feature enhancements and whether certain customer requirements can be met though AI. Hear from a panel of manufacturers and consultants, discussing some examples of these, and what parties of each type can do to tease out or present this information.

Cyber Security

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The Challenge of Evolving Privacy Regulations

Hawk Sunday, October 27, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Moderator: John Nemerofsky, Sage Integration
Panelists: Bhavesh Patel, Sanofi
  Robert Prostko, Allegion
  Jay Monga, Plante Moran

The US privacy timeline begins with the U.S. Privacy Act of 1974. It established rules and regulations regarding U.S. government agencies' collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. Since that time, the US and many other countries have implemented a growing array of privacy laws and restrictions. In particular, GDPR (EU), in 2016, and SOC 2, an increasingly important cybersecurity compliance framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) have impacted the security industry. In addition, a growing array of state and country laws and regulations makes It difficult to keep up. Hear from a panel of professionals charged with understanding assessing this growing mass of privacy regulations as they affect their operations and clients.

Dealing with Evolving Cyber Threats – An Operational Perspective

Hawk Sunday, October 27, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Moderator: Jerrod Johnson, Ferguson Enterprises
Panelists: Donny Hubener, Burns & McDonnell
  Jeff Ogborn, Gallagher
  Remengton Pierce, Sandia National Laboratories

Cyber threats involving non-IT Operational Technology (OT) targets continue to evolve and create great concern in the cyber community. One example is presented by “Living Off the Land (LOTL)” techniques, where attackers using latent capabilities of end points on the victim’s networks to achieve a malevolent goal rather than uploading malware. Or, attackers gain initial network access by exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities, weak or default credentials, or insecure device configurations. And the time between a vulnerability disclosure and first exploit is shrinking. Learn about Cyber team challenges and recommended practices as professionals deal with this evolving landscape.

Closeout Documentation for Cyber

Hawk Sunday, October 27, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Moderator: Jarrett Morgan, Mead & Hunt
Panelists: Jerrod Johnson, Ferguson Enterprises
  Andrew Lanning, Integrated Security Technologies
  Shaun Moye, Targeted Solutions

Now that cybersecurity has worked its way into specifications, what should be expected of the integrator regarding testing and information turned over to the client at project completion. How are passwords, provisioned, maintained, and reported upon? Should penetration and vulnerability testing be required? How does verification that manufacturer guidelines have been followed happen? What is the process for IT involvement? These questions and more will be fielded by a panel group that has specified and deployed these types of systems.

Using Blockchain for Video Integrity

Hawk Sunday, October 27, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Presenter: Jason Crawforth, Swear.com

AI-faked video has emerged as very real concern in proving the authenticity of a very recording. This presentation describes a blockchain based technology which, during the video recording process, gathers a multidimensional set of authentication data, embedded invisibly within the media, transforming each piece into a self-contained proof of authenticity, carrying its verifiable history wherever it travels. The system actively encodes cryptographic fingerprints, a digital DNA, for every pixel, frame and sound bite of the video, followed by a cryptographic hashing process. Just as blockchain has provided a secure transactional basis for crypto currency, so can it provide the promise of dealing with spoofed video recording.


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Cloud Essentials – Bringing It Down To Earth

Wolf Sunday, October 27, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Presenter: James Krile, Heapy

One of the biggest challenges in the modern era of designing, selecting, installing or operating Physical Security Systems (PSS), is determining what role “The Cloud” will play in the overall implementation of the system. Probably the single largest reason for so much confusion, is that the term “The Cloud” is often poorly defined, and doesn’t always mean the same thing to the various people involved in the selection or operation of the PSS.
The goal of this session is to bring clarity to the topic of “The Cloud” by creating a framework for defining the various elements of the “The Cloud”. As we define and explore the individual elements of Cloud based solutions, a clearer picture will emerge as to how each element interacts with a given PSS. The result of this will be a more precise definition of what “The Cloud” means in the context of the various elements of a PSS.

Cloud Implementations – Stories from The Front

Wolf Sunday, October 27, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Moderator: James Krile, Heapy
Panelists: Jim Cooper, Integrated Security & Communications (Pavion)
  Marty McClanahan, Protus3
  Jon Polly, ProTecht Solutions Partners

In this panel discussion, we will hear from about recent projects that implemented Cloud Based Solutions within the Physical Security Systems. Insight will be gained through exploring topics such as:
• What Factors Led to the Selection of a Cloud Based Solution?
• What Elements of The Cloud were implemented?
• What were the relative costs compared to a traditional solution?
• How has success been evaluated?
• What lessons have you taken away to evaluate future cloud solutions?

Creating Value from Unstructured Data Using AI

Wolf Sunday, October 27, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Presenter: Nick Heitzman, Allegion

Unstructured data that is not in a table or other structural presentation, such as JSON format. Examples include free- form text files. Video clips, audio, emails, images, and application logs. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) employs algorithms (such as ChatGPT) to create(generate) new content. This session will look at tools and potential opportunities and benefits in exploiting security data, as well as reviewing key elements for success and supplier considerations.

Mitigating Electronic Threats in Security Design

Wolf Sunday, October 27, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Moderator: Andrew Hall, HLM Associates
Panelists: Scott Palmer, Electromagnetic Security Consortium (ESC)
  David Tilton, Electromagnetic Security Consortium (ESC)

Critical infrastructure, health care facilities, and Government installations face a wide range of electromagnetic threats such as EMP, solar flares, exposure to data theft, hacking, and malicious directed energy attacks. Systems employing cellular communications, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Near Field Communications (NFC) are all at risk. The Electromagnetic Security Consortium (ESC) has been created to incubate, prototype, and deploy technologies that mitigate both environmental and man-made electromagnetic threats. Hear from members of the ESC about the threat landscape and design approaches to reduce the risks.

Special Topics

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Paige Datacom

Social Media & Personal Branding for the Security Consultant

Puma Sunday, October 27, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Moderator: Paula Balmori, Brivo
Panelists: Chad Cooper, Quanergy
  Chris Hills, Bosch Security
  Breanna Sieferman, TEECOM

Following the success of the Building an Impactful Social Network session of CONSULT 2022, CONSULT 2024 is excited to offer this follow-on session, demonstrating how AI can enhance an individual’s “branding” efforts and specifically curated to effortlessly elevate your online presence. A suite of free and user-friendly AI tools can empower individuals, even those with limited social media experience, to craft engaging posts that spark meaningful interactions. Through hands-on sessions, participants will learn how to leverage AI for content creation and maximum impact. By the end of the class, attendees will possess the skills and confidence to curate compelling social media content, amplifying their influence within the security industry and beyond.
Please bring an internet enabled laptop and your favorite headshot or selfie!

Market Focus: Data Center Security

Puma Sunday, October 27, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Moderator: Rob Oldham Stone Security
Panelists: Gerritt Bakker, ADRM
  Zack Brunette, ZBeta
  Doug Dreher, AWS
  Shawn Wallace, Unlimited Technology

Data centers continue to proliferate, driven by expanding cloud services and AI computing needs. Data center security design has its own special considerations, from the perimeter inward. Hear from a panel of people involved with design, installation, and system usage to gain a deeper understanding of these considerations and challenges. Learn how security consultants are participating in the process.

Collaborating with the "Modern" Integrator

Puma Sunday, October 27, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Moderator: Paul Boucherle, Matterhorn Consulting
Panelists: Lorna Chandler, Security by Design
  Brian Coulombe, Amazon Corporate Security
  Daved Levine, SCI
  Rob Oldham, Stone Security

Successful security integrators have figured out how to evolve with technology, revenue models, and the changing face of their end-user customers. What distinguishes them from the rest of the integrator population which, while possibly still successful today, may be relegated to the back bench in the future? Within this shifting dynamic, what will the relationship between the true security consultant look like? It may be collaborative, or competitive, or both. Hear from representatives of integrators who are successfully adapting to today’s environment and from consultants and an end user who have developed means of working collaboratively to achieve the best end result.

Perimeter Physical Security - Protective Design Concepts and Standards

Puma Sunday, October 27, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Presenter: Robert Miller, Imperial PCS

The importance of perimeter protection products such as bollards, barriers, fences and gates has become critical part of the design process. Over the past 30 years, technology and culture have added new dimensions to the physical security threat. This session will cover the basics of and standards for vehicular anti-ram protection, ballistic ratings, blast resistance and forced entry resistance.

"Open House" Breakouts

What’s Up with PKOC (Public Key Open Credential)?

Eagle A Sunday, October 27, 9:15 - 12:00 PM

Presenters: Ed Chandler, Security by Design
  Jason Ouellette, JCI

The Public Key Open Credential (PKOC) relies on the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to provide the issuance and management of digital certificates. These PKI certificates verify the owner of a private key and the authenticity of that relationship going forward to help maintain security. The certificates are similar to a driver’s license or passport for the digital world. PKOC initially supported mobile credentials but has been expanded to support smart cards and panels relying on the OSDP standard. PKOC was a featured track topic at CONSULT 2022 and 2023. This drop-in session will discuss how PKOC has evolved over the last year and current state of implementation.

Note: This session is on a drop-in basis during the time slot noted.

Building Custom Bluebeam Tools for Security Systems

Eagle A Sunday, October 27, 1:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Presenters: Daniel Coppinger, Zen-Tek Consultants
  David Mills, Zen-Tek Consultants

This session will be focused on building custom toolchests specifically tailored for designing and managing security systems. We will take a deep dive into how security professionals and Bluebeam users alike can develop their own tools to streamline workflow processes and improve project accuracy. Key elements include:
• Basics of Custom Tool Creation: Familiarize yourself with the Bluebeam interface and the steps to create personalized tools that align with security system design.
• Tailoring to Security Needs: Understand how to customize shapes, symbols, and measurements to represent cameras, sensors, access control devices, etc.
• Toolchest and Profiles: Discover how to save and reuse custom tools to speed up the creation of security items, enabling quick modifications and updates.
• Advanced Markup Techniques: Explore advanced markup tools that help in detailed planning and documentation of security systems.
• Sharing and Collaboration: Learn how to share your custom toolchests with team members, ensuring consistency and collaboration across your project team.

Note: This session is on a drop-in basis during the time slot noted.

Questions or comments? Contact us at admin@securityspecifiers.com.

About Us

CONSULT is a security industry event sponsored by SecuritySpecifiers. SecuritySpecifiers is an online community and network of security professionals established to address the need for the physical security industry to more effectively engage with designers and consultants.

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SecuritySpecifiers, CONSULT, and CONSULT Technical Security Symposium are registered trademark of Gilwell Technology Services, LLC.